//单链表基排序(桶排序) //main.c#include#include #include #include "List.h"#include void Create_barrel(List *L);void input_barrel(List *L,int val);int output_barrel(List *L);int main(void){ int data[]={64,8,216,512,27,729,0,1,343,125}; int JPX_num=0; //基排序进行次数 int j; int i; int WEI; //个十百位 int LEN; // 数组大小 int k; int Yushu; //余数 int power=1; //10的倍数 LEN=sizeof(data)/(sizeof(int)); //数组中数据个数 bool Jiaoyan=1; //最大的位数 List barrel_num[10]; //0-10的桶 while(Jiaoyan) { Jiaoyan=0; for(j=0;j Next=NULL;}void input_barrel(List *L,int val){ InsertH(val,*L,*L); //入桶(相当于单链表的后插) } int output_barrel(List *L){ List m; m=(*L)->Next; int a=m->Element; //出桶(相当于单链表从第一个元素依次删除) (*L)->Next=(*L)->Next->Next; free(m); return a;}%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//List.h#ifndef _LIST_H_typedef int ElementType;struct Node;typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typedef PtrToNode List;typedef PtrToNode Position;struct Node{ ElementType Element; Position Next;};void CreateList(List *L,int n);void PrintList(List L);List MakeEmpty(List L);int IsEmpty(List L);void CreateEmptyList(List *L);int IsLast(Position P,List L);Position Find(ElementType X,List L);void Delete(ElementType X,List L);Position FindPrevious(ElementType X,List L);void Insert(ElementType X,List L,Position P);void InsertH(ElementType X,List L,Position P);void DeleteList(List L);Position Header(List L);Position First(List L);Position Advance(Position P);ElementType Retrieve(Position P);#endif%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//List.c#include "List.h"#include #include #include /*struct Node{ ElementType Element; Position Next;};*/void CreateList(List *L,int n){ Position P,P1; int i; *L=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); (*L)->Next=NULL; P1=*L; printf("请输入%d个数据:\n",n); //没问题 for(i=n;i>0;i--) { //P=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); //scanf("%d",&P->Element); //前插 //P->Next=(*L)->Next; //(*L)->Next=P; P=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); scanf("%d",&P->Element); P->Next=P1->Next; //后插 P1->Next=P; P1=P; }}void PrintList(List L){ printf("已保存链表\n"); Position P; P=L->Next; while(P->Next!=NULL) { printf("%d ",P->Element); //没问题 P=P->Next; } printf("%d ",P->Element);}void FatalError(char a[]){ printf("%s",a); //没问题 }int IsEmpty(List L){ return L->Next==NULL; //没问题 }int IsLast(Position P,List L){ return P->Next==NULL; }List MakeEmpty(List L){ List q,p; p=L->Next; while(p!=NULL) { //没问题 q=p->Next; free(p); p=q; } L->Next=NULL; return L;}Position Find(ElementType X,List L){ Position P; P=L->Next; while((P->Next!=NULL)&&(P->Element!=X)) //没问题 { P=P->Next; } return P;}Position findPrevious(ElementType X,List L){ Position P; P=L; while((P->Next!=NULL)&&(P->Next->Element!=X)) //没问题 { P=P->Next; } return P;}void Delete(ElementType X,List L){ Position P,TmpCell; P=findPrevious(X,L); if(!IsLast(P,L)) { TmpCell=P->Next; P->Next=TmpCell->Next; //没问题 free(TmpCell); }}void DeleteList(List L){ Position P,Q; P=L->Next; L->Next=NULL; while(P!=NULL) { Q=P->Next; //没问题 free(P); P=Q; }}void Insert(ElementType X,List L,Position P){ if(L==NULL) { return; } Position TmpCell; TmpCell=malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(TmpCell!=NULL) { TmpCell->Next=P->Next; //前插,没问题 TmpCell->Element=X; P->Next=TmpCell; } else { FatalError("out of space!!!"); } }void InsertH(ElementType X,List L,Position P){ if(L==NULL) { return; } Position TmpCell; List q; TmpCell=malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); q=L; //后插,没问题 while(q->Next!=NULL) { q=q->Next; } q->Next=TmpCell; TmpCell->Next=NULL; TmpCell->Element=X;}void CreateEmptyList(List *L){ *L=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); (*L)->Next=NULL;}
#ifndef _LIST_H_ typedef int ElementType;struct Node;
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
typedef PtrToNode List; typedef PtrToNode Position;struct Node
{ ElementType Element; Position Next; };void CreateList(List *L,int n);
void PrintList(List L);List MakeEmpty(List L);
int IsEmpty(List L); void CreateEmptyList(List *L); int IsLast(Position P,List L); Position Find(ElementType X,List L); void Delete(ElementType X,List L); Position FindPrevious(ElementType X,List L); void Insert(ElementType X,List L,Position P); void InsertH(ElementType X,List L,Position P); void DeleteList(List L); Position Header(List L); Position First(List L); Position Advance(Position P); ElementType Retrieve(Position P);#endif
#include "List.h" #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h>/*struct Node
{ ElementType Element; Position Next; };*/void CreateList(List *L,int n)
{ Position P,P1; int i; *L=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); (*L)->Next=NULL; P1=*L; printf("请输入%d个数据:\n",n); //没问题 for(i=n;i>0;i--) { //P=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); //scanf("%d",&P->Element); //前插 //P->Next=(*L)->Next; //(*L)->Next=P; P=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); scanf("%d",&P->Element); P->Next=P1->Next; //后插 P1->Next=P; P1=P; } }void PrintList(List L)
{ printf("已保存链表\n"); Position P; P=L->Next; while(P->Next!=NULL) { printf("%d ",P->Element); //没问题 P=P->Next; } printf("%d ",P->Element); }void FatalError(char a[])
{ printf("%s",a); //没问题 }int IsEmpty(List L)
{ return L->Next==NULL; //没问题 }int IsLast(Position P,List L)
{ return P->Next==NULL; }List MakeEmpty(List L)
{ List q,p; p=L->Next; while(p!=NULL) { //没问题 q=p->Next; free(p); p=q; } L->Next=NULL; return L; }Position Find(ElementType X,List L)
{ Position P; P=L->Next; while((P->Next!=NULL)&&(P->Element!=X)) //没问题 { P=P->Next; } return P; }Position findPrevious(ElementType X,List L)
{ Position P; P=L; while((P->Next!=NULL)&&(P->Next->Element!=X)) //没问题 { P=P->Next; } return P; }void Delete(ElementType X,List L)
{ Position P,TmpCell; P=findPrevious(X,L); if(!IsLast(P,L)) { TmpCell=P->Next; P->Next=TmpCell->Next; //没问题 free(TmpCell); } } void DeleteList(List L) { Position P,Q; P=L->Next; L->Next=NULL; while(P!=NULL) { Q=P->Next; //没问题 free(P); P=Q; } } void Insert(ElementType X,List L,Position P) { if(L==NULL) { return; } Position TmpCell; TmpCell=malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(TmpCell!=NULL) { TmpCell->Next=P->Next; //前插,没问题 TmpCell->Element=X; P->Next=TmpCell; } else { FatalError("out of space!!!"); } } void InsertH(ElementType X,List L,Position P) { if(L==NULL) { return; } Position TmpCell; List q; TmpCell=malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); q=L; //后插,没问题 while(q->Next!=NULL) { q=q->Next; } q->Next=TmpCell; TmpCell->Next=NULL; TmpCell->Element=X; } void CreateEmptyList(List *L) { *L=(Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); (*L)->Next=NULL; } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//单链表基排序(桶排序)
//main.c #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include "List.h" #include<stdbool.h>void Create_barrel(List *L);
void input_barrel(List *L,int val); int output_barrel(List *L);int main(void)
{ int data[]={64,8,216,512,27,729,0,1,343,125}; int JPX_num=0; //基排序进行次数 int j; int i; int WEI; //个十百位 int LEN; // 数组大小 int k; int Yushu; //余数 int power=1; //10的倍数 LEN=sizeof(data)/(sizeof(int)); //数组中数据个数 bool Jiaoyan=1; //最大的位数 List barrel_num[10]; //0-10的桶 while(Jiaoyan) { Jiaoyan=0; for(j=0;j<LEN;j++) { WEI=(data[j]/power)%10; Jiaoyan=Jiaoyan||WEI; //获取数组里元素的最高位数 } power*=10; JPX_num++; } JPX_num-=1; for(j=0;j<10;j++) { Create_barrel(&barrel_num[j]); //为每个桶生成空链表,用于存储之后数据 } //排序 power=1; for(j=0;j<JPX_num;j++) { for(i=0;i<LEN;i++) { Yushu=(data[i]/power)%10; input_barrel(&barrel_num[Yushu],data[i]); //把数依次入桶 } k=0; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { while(!IsEmpty(barrel_num[i])) { data[k]=output_barrel(&barrel_num[i]); //入完桶后依次出桶,已准备下一次如同排序 k++; } } power*=10; } for(i=0;i<LEN;i++) { printf("%d ",data[i]); //打印排序后的数组 } }void Create_barrel(List *L)
{ *L=(List)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); //创建0-9共10个桶 (*L)->Next=NULL; }void input_barrel(List *L,int val)
{ InsertH(val,*L,*L); //入桶(相当于单链表的后插) } int output_barrel(List *L) { List m; m=(*L)->Next; int a=m->Element; //出桶(相当于单链表从第一个元素依次删除) (*L)->Next=(*L)->Next->Next; free(m); return a; }%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
输入数组:int data[]={64,8,216,512,27,729,0,1,343,125};
排序结果:0 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729
-------------------------------- Process exited after 0.03693 seconds with return value 10 请按任意键继续. . .